Talent Profile

Talent Pool

Joanna M.
Native Language & Accent
United States
Demo's Related Tags
Friendly Warm
Zoom or Meet
DAW: Audacity, multi-track audio recorder and editor
Izotope RX 10 Elements

Interface: PreSonus Audiobox USB96 24-bit/96kHz 2X2 USB 2.0 Recording System

Microphone: Audio-technica AT2020, Cardioid Condenser Studio XLR

Room Treatment:
Acoustic foam wedges on walls and ceiling; Moving blanket over desk
Carpeted floor

*Live Direction available via Zoom, Discord, & Skype
552 Mbps
20 Mbps
Joanna Moznette is a non-union voice talent with a medium to low tone. Practiced in script analysis, live direction, and improvisation, her project interests span genres. She is excited to partner in delivering and celebrating your stories, products, services, and philanthropic efforts.

With over 25 years of experience in different facets of Education, she honed her delivery of guidance, hard truth, insightful questions, and encouragement. Her background in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and public administration makes her comfortable with most STEM, business, and/or systems language that may be pertinent to a project. Her passion for growth and continuous learning drives her use of feedback, allowing her words to resonate across audiences and ensuring that the meaning and motivation behind your project is well received.

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