Perfil de Talento

Talent Pool

Cathy T.
Idioma & Acento Nativo
United States
Etiquetas relacionadas a tus demos de voz
Childish Young Young Adult Young boy Young girl
Friendly Casual Energetic Warm Character Fun Bubbly Vibrant Melodic Quirky Bright Cute
Zoom or Meet
Sennheiser MK4
Focusrite Solo Interface
Reaper DAW

VoiceTraxWest in Studio City, CA

MegaSound Studios, Ventura, CA
Hi there!! I'm Cathy and I am here to provide a voice for your projects! I aim to be as creative and supportive as much as possible.

I'll be happy to continue to work until you get the results you're looking for. In the end, as long as we have fun while working together, you won't regret it!

My voice can be best described as youthful, melodic and bubbly. I have advanced training in commercial and animation voiceover with some experience with narration and e-learning. Can't wait to hear from you!

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