Perfil de Talento

Talent Pool

Trina D.
Idioma & Acento Nativo
United States
Etiquetas relacionadas a tus demos de voz
Childish Young Young Adult Adult Senior
Friendly Casual Energetic Motivational Sensual Warm Character Fun Authoritative
Zoom or Meet
Neumann U 87 Ai

24 inch Asus Monitor

Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro

Floor to ceiling acoustic pad treated walk-in booth

Adobe Audition

Neumann PS 20 A Pop Screen

ART Tube MP Studio V3 Tube Microphone Preamp

Lindell Audio Lin76 FET Single-channel Vintage Limiting Amplifier

Audient iD14 MKII Audio Interface

Intel Fanless Mini PC
As a versatile and highly experienced voice actress, I am passionate about using my voice as a stellar source of performance and entertainment. I bring expertise in various vocal styles, including child-to-elder female voices, high-to-mid-low pitch, child-male voices, creature voices, audiobooks/ audiodrama, commercials, video games, animation/film, and character work. My unrivaled ability to make characters come to life through powerful voice-over work has earned me the reputation of a voice chameleon or a one-woman show voice actor.

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