Perfil de Talento

Talent Pool

Vanessa P.
Idioma & Acento Nativo
Etiquetas relacionadas a tus demos de voz
Friendly Casual Energetic Motivational
Source Connect
Scarlett Focusrite, Rode NT1A, Mac Pro
I am not everyone's cup of tea but I am certainly someone's jalapeno margarita! Professional, punctual, reliable, and fun. As a full-time voice actor with a professional home studio, I adore acting and the VO world.
I have a passion for travel, accents, and exploring the world and all the people and stories within it. I live part-time in a few countries, including a place dear to my heart, Nicaragua. Proficient in Central American Spanish, I'm learning sign language, and enjoy learning a phrase or creative cuss word in any language.

I am a Fun-enthusiast, meaning everything I do, It will be my mission to make it fun for all those around me, or hand out hugs and heartfelt listening when needed. I am dedicated to projects and the intention behind them. I am a firm believer in the power of kindness, curiosity, and dancing to your own tune.

When not focusing on VO, I am always outside exploring, fly-fishing, adventuring, surfing, enjoying my boat, and playing with my pup.

If you think I might be an interesting person to work with, please reach out. I offer a natural, Canadian/ American voice for commercials, promo, IVR, e-learning, narration, audiobooks, and character voices. I have a background as a principal in film, commercials, tv hosting, modeling, radio, and stunt work. I have a seasonal love for writing, am a published author, and can write creative content on occasion.

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