Perfil de Talento

Talent Pool

Idioma & Acento Nativo
United Kingdom
Etiquetas relacionadas a tus demos de voz
Adult Senior
Friendly Casual Energetic Deep Motivational Warm Character Authoritative
My name is Mike and I'm an English Voice Over Artist and Voice Actor. I work out of my sound-treated studio in Essex, England.

My turnaround times for most work can be in as little as a few hours – from being awarded the job, receiving the script and direction, to you receiving back a broadcast quality MP3 or WAV file that is perfect for your needs. I am always happy to work with a client via Zoom, Skype or similar. I have no objection to the client being heavily involved in remote direction.

I have a rich, deep, neutral British accent. Authoritative but warm. Engaging, characterful, incredible. An extraordinary voice and exceptional customer service – these are not my words..... these are just some of the words and comments my clients have used in their reviews of the voice overs I have done for them.

My accent and delivery style range are broad. Naturally, my voice is English-neutral. But I can switch to Cockney, Yorkshire, and RP very easily and I have demos for every genre and accent that I can do. And if I don't have a demo that demonstrates what you are looking for, I will record one, free-of-charge, just for you.

My voice is especially suited to

Movie, TV trailers and promo's
Radio Commercials
TV commercials
Ident's and DJ drops
Corporate presentation
Training videos
Explainers and e-learning
YouTube Video's
Audiobooks to ACX standard
Audio Plays
Please feel free to get in touch,
I very much look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards


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